Women’s P.A.C.T
I am Carly Skelly and I am here to empower women to live their best lives, by providing them with their own personal blue print and road map for how to navigate their own unique journey, to get out of their own way and to simply own their unique gifts and talents so they can show up in the world as the women they were born to be Women's P.A.C.T stands for Women, power, awareness, compassion and transformation. These 5 powerful energies are imprinted in women and built into who we are and deep rooted within the female collective psyche. Women's P.A.C.T is for any women who wishes to take their power back, who has become disillusioned with life and seeks to know who he is at the deepest level and to understand why she is here. Who wants to take action in her life and steer it in the direction of his choice, while turning her own inner darkness into her golden light.
Level 1: Women's Journey of Self-Discovery is a 6 week self development program.
Throughout the program we will journey together and learn what it means to you to be a woman, we will work with the 5 powerful energies WOMAN. POWER. AWARENESS. COMPASSION. TRANSFORMATION and you will leave with a clear vision and purpose for transformation in your life to occur. Each session we will sit in a circle of women and share our own unique life journeys. We will carry out various tasks which will take you to your edge physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This will involve ritual, initiation and a rites of passage as we move through one part of the program to the next.
If you would like to offer your services and join our forever expanding Inner Guru team, please apply on the Join Us section.